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Heads Up Money

Nhà cung cấp: DK Publishing
Loại bìa: Hardback
Mã SP: 9780241228425
313,500₫ 330,000₫

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Chọn sản phẩm tặng kèm

Mã hàng: 9780241228425
Nhà xuất bản: DK Publishing
Tác giả: Dorling Kindersley
Năm xuất bản: 2017
Số trang: 160
Kích thước: 233 x 183 mm

Heads Up Money

Does money make the world go round? Can money buy happiness? What would happen if a bank simply printed more money? Heads Up Money introduces economic theories to everyday life for young adults. From the pennies in our pocket to the global financial boom, Heads Up Money puts theory into practice and explains the important issues surrounding all areas of economics including the market, supply and demand, currencies, spending and saving. Using bright illustrations, big ideas, and economic and personal finance, Heads Up Money will help young adults understand the financial world around them.

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