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Blood of the Mantis: Shadows of the Apt

Nhà cung cấp: Macmillan Publishers
Loại bìa: Bìa Mềm
Mã SP: 9780230704169
171,000₫ 180,000₫

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Chọn sản phẩm tặng kèm

Mã hàng: 9780230704169
Nhà xuất bản: Tor
Tác giả: Adrian Tchaikovsky
Số trang: 320
Trọng lượng: 240
Kích thước: 3.0 x 17.6 x 11.0

Driven by the ghosts of the Darakyon, Achaeos has tracked the stolen Shadow Box to the marsh-town of Jerez, but he has only days before the magical box is lost to him forever. Meanwhile, the forces of the Empire are mustering over winter for their great offensive, gathering their soldiers and perfecting their new weapons. Stenwold and his followers have only a short time to gather what allies they can before the Wasp armies march again, conquering everything in their path. If they cannot throw back the Wasps this spring then the imperial black-and-gold flag will fly over every city in the Lowlands before the year's end. In Jerez begins a fierce struggle over the Shadow Box, as lake creatures, secret police and renegade magicians compete to take possession. If it falls into the hands of the Wasp Emperor, however, then no amount of fighting will suffice to save the world from his relentless ambition.

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