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Disney Princess: Magical Princess Songs

Nhà cung cấp: Publication Disney
Loại bìa: Bìa Cứng
Mã SP: 9781450811323
305,900₫ 322,000₫

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Chọn sản phẩm tặng kèm

Mã hàng: 9781450811323
Nhà xuất bản: Publication Disney
Tác giả: Publications International
Năm xuất bản: 2011
Số trang: 14
Trọng lượng: 710
Kích thước: 1.5 x 27.0 x 27.0

Disney Princess: Magical Princess Songs

The Disney Princess Magical Princess Songs Book has an attached five-button audio module that enables children to play 10 songs (two songs share each sound button) inspired by the popular Disney Princess characters. As a song plays, princess treasures like a crown, a castle, and a flower appear in the mirror centered in the audio module. The book is recommended for children ages 18 months and older.

The book's colorful illustrations show scenes with Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Tiana, Cinderella, Ariel, and their friends. Song lyrics are printed on the pages. Here is a list of the 10 songs:
If You re Happy and You Know It
Fly Round and Round Aurora (to the melody of Go Round and Round the Village )
Three Good Friends (to the melody of Three Blind Mice )
Did You Ever See a Froggie? (to the melody of Did You Ever See a Lassie? )
Down in the Bayou (to the melody of Down in the Valley )
Hickory, Dickory, Dock
Merrily We Roll Along
This Is the Way the Mermaid Swims (to the melody of This Is the Way the Ladies Ride )
Oh Mermaid, Swim Through the Ocean (to the melody of The Bear Went Over the Mountain )

The Disney Princess Magical Songs Book has coated board pages that stand up to repeated use and comes with three replaceable AAA batteries that power the sound module. The book conforms to the toy safety requirements of ASTM F963-08.

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