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Lessons For IELTS - Reading

Nhà cung cấp: Nhà Sách Minh Tâm
Loại bìa: Bìa Mềm
Mã SP: 9786048557812

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Chọn sản phẩm tặng kèm

Mã hàng: 9786048557812
Nhà xuất bản: NXB Tổng hợp TP.HCM
Tác giả: New Oriental Education
Số trang: 172
Trọng lượng: 484
Kích thước: 27.5 x 21

Lessons For IELTS - Reading This book covers the following points: Reading Topics and Styles Topics which are often seen in the IELTS Reading test - Technology, the environment, psychology, human biology, science, history, sport, medicine, the media, advertising Common styles of IELTS Reading passages - Narrative, description, and argument styles. Articles are written in newspaper, journal, and/or magazine style and are mostly at a level for an educated, general audience. Vocabulary Exercises to help you to recognize and learn useful vocabulary for reading texts; strategies for dealing with unknown vocabulary in reading texts. Strategies and Practice for Answering the IELTS Reading Questions Types All of the IELTS reading question types are covered in this book. The book provides: - Practice exercises for each question type. - Helpful hints for approaching each question type Practice Activities for Reading Quickly to Understand the Main Idea This is a KEY skill for success in the IELTS Reading test. Each unit provides activities to help you to understand the main ideas BEFORE you begin the IELTS – style reading questions. Practice Units Units 5, 10, 15 and 20 in this book are practice units. In these units, you will practice reading and answering questions. There are two reading passages in each Practice Unit and each passage has about 25 questions. In the real IELTS test, there are three reading passages and each one has about 15 questions. The total number of questions in a real IELTS test is 40. Extensions Activities These activities are designed to provide further vocabulary practice or to help you to understand the organization of the passage more clearly. We hope you will enjoy using this book and that you will learn useful language and skills to help you to pass the IETLS Reading test.

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